Communication Skills Pathway Training (Course)

Author: LearningPlanet Limited

Communication training includes using tone of voice and modulation, how to interpret language styles and deciphering body language, questioning and listening skills and many more which will all assist you in being a more effective communicator especially when you are in a customer service or sales role. 

By applying a wide range of differing communication techniques you will increase your communication standards and effectiveness therefore leading to better service for all involved.

Keywords: communication, body language, Voice, tone, Communication Skills Pathway Training, Communication Skills Pathway Course

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Communication Skills Pathway Training (Course)

Communication Skills Pathway Training

Communication training includes using tone of voice and modulation, how to interpret language styles and deciphering body language, questioning and listening skills and many more which will all assist you in being a more effective communicator especially when you are in a customer service or sales role.  By applying a wide range of differing communication techniques you will increase your communication standards and effectiveness therefore leading to better service for all involved.

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Price :

$45.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 268 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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